
Showing posts from January, 2018

#Python-dev: First contribution to (c)python

First PR (pull request) Requirements: I discovered that to be able to contribute you need to have a few things 1.A Github account (this is a must for anyone wanting to contribute to any open-source project) 2.A python issue tracker account (on this site  -you need to then have your Github account username in the "your details" section of your account (if you set your Github username during reregistration then it should already be set) 3. Sign a this CLA that's also on their site entering the same Github and python issue tracker account for the info. note that the CLA takes 1 American work day (so 24 hrs within Monday-Friday) 4. when you make the pull request it has to be bpo-(issue number): description   -note there are special rules for back fixing (it will show up in the description of the PR when you make it) 5. if it hasn't been previously done you have to make whats called a news file under the misc/NEWS.d/next fol...

#Python-dev: Starting to contribute to (c)python

 Python Dev   I recently started trying to contribute to python (aka python-dev), so far I've found the IRC is #python-dev, the way that I've been getting there is by using freenode , (you can also get there by searching freenode and clicking the "chat" button), I have noticed that the IRC channel can get you some help but, I've had mixed results I got a response for my first question but after that I didn't get a response (your millage may vary) I also discovered that Cygwin (a bash terminal within windows) isn't fully supported by cpython I also found this mailing list , that I've signed up for and I've already received some emails, so far I've emailed to, that apparently sends an email to ALL members, I don't know if this is a good way to reach them as I only sent this email yesterday and haven't gotten a response.  I just posted a bug about what I'm experiencing since running the test command res...