Requesting my first bug on Open source

The bug I'm looking at is one that isn't really a bug it's just to remove some old code and it's dependencies.

I've had to install python and I'm using the "WingIDE personal" for my IDE

I choose this bug cause I like working with python, but I've not worked with python in a long time and I've not used python 3. This bug would also help me get reintroduced to python's structure.

I estimate that it might take me quite a bit longer to figure out the actual structure then actually removing the dependencies and stuff. As this might be as simple as removing something and seeing if it runs.

The people have been helpful so far.

there's another bug that's more of a feature request for the same system

I posted a request there but either I removed my comment without realizing or it got removed.

Again this works with python and in high school I've done gray scaling of images before and was interested on how the grabbing system would work for getting something from a site automatically.

Update: I've now re posted a request since I learned of the @ messaging system.


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