Awesome-Python Repository for open source packages

Awesome Python

I recently came across the GitHub Repo for Awesome-Python.

It's part of the "Awesome-" series where people compile together repositories of useful and interesting.

As you may have guessed this one is for Python commands, this repo is a gold mine for any open source developer out there, actually any developer that's using python for various things.

There's a lot of them here and there's no way I could cover all of these.

I did come across some that are quite interesting.

1: "thef**k"
Don't let the name throw you off, this one caught my eye for obvious reasons. This one is for those of you that use the Linux terminal frequently and constantly make minor typos in commands, or forget to run something as root or miss a space somewhere. All you need to do is after the mistake type "Fuck" and it will correct it, like if you typed aptget install something, the command would figure out you meant apt get install something. For those that are offended by this or don't like swearing (like me) you can always alias command it to something like "oops".

heres an example of how it works: (taken from the GitHub site)

2. OpenCV:
This one I've used before, it's a powerful computer vision library that offers features like contour detection and can be used for a lot of things, I've worked with some friends to make a Boggle puzzle solver in android using this library, unfortunately it as on an old version of android using an outdated version of OpenCV lib that doesn't run on the latest version of android but for those with android Kitkat or marshmallow can try it out on the google play store. it's called Boggle Solver: Vision.
If I see that there's interest in making it work I can see if my buddies and I can get it to working condition again.

 There's many many more libraries and packages that many Python coders, Scripters or even general programmers might find handy.


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