I've been looking around in generally the same area of GitHub (namely Mozilla/Network) to see if they have anymore issues that I can help with, I've found one that seems to link to another GitHub project from Mozilla so it looks like a good place to continue my journey in open source https://github.com/mozilla/foundation.mozilla.org/issues/235 modifications seem to need to take place in the mofo-bootstrap repo in order to apply more seamlessly into all their sites so I've made opened an issue on that repo to see if I can get things rolling. https://github.com/mozilla/mofo-bootstrap/issues/122 Someone replied and stated that the code was already in for the Network part and all that needed to be done was change a few links and strings, I do plan on changing the Class name to match so that will have to be changed at a later time, after I've changed the class name. as for the bootstrap part they were using a package called pug to store their urls in a scss file ...