
Showing posts from December, 2017

Testing if an image is reloaded even if the given url is identical to an already loaded url

I tested if the image is being reloaded but it appears that it isn't, the way I'm testing is that I'm using a counter to check how many times it's been reloaded and if it does change it should change the background again after changing it the first time.

Looking for more bugs (fixing those bugs)

I've been looking around in generally the same area of GitHub (namely Mozilla/Network) to see if they have anymore issues that I can help with, I've found one that seems to link to another GitHub project from Mozilla so it looks like a good place to continue my journey in open source modifications seem to need to take place in the mofo-bootstrap repo in order to apply more seamlessly into all their sites so I've made opened an issue on that repo to see if I can get things rolling. Someone replied and stated that the code was already in for the Network part and all that needed to be done was change a few links and strings, I do plan on changing the Class name to match so that will have to be changed at a later time, after I've changed the class name. as for the bootstrap part they were using a package called pug to store their urls in a scss file ...

Looking for more bugs

I've been looking around in generally the same area of GitHub (namely Mozilla/Network) to see if they have anymore issues that I can help with, I've found one that seems to link to another GitHub project from Mozilla so it looks like a good place to continue my journey in open source modifications seem to need to take place in the mofo-bootstrap repo in order to apply more seamlessly into all their sites so I've made opened an issue on that repo to see if I can get things rolling.

Making a file in my github repo to include actual markdowns

GitHub Repo This has been really fun to make, also makes the read-me more professional. linking images into  the read-me was really simple all you need is to do this:  ![anyname](link) The traditional triple "`" notation works with code blocking too. The read-me system works really similar to the Blogger system you may or may not be familiar with  it also has a preview if you edit it through the GitHub site it's self through the edit button after you select the file it's self.