Working on my first open source bug/request
The bug I've been focusing on first is it's not technically a bug as much as it is removing unused code from the old API that they used before, I tried setting up the build environment on my Windows laptop but quickly came across issues with setting up the actual virtual environment for python. I switched to my Ubuntu laptop and everything went smoothly after, I could go back and setup the windows env now since I do understand what went wrong after successfully getting it to work on Ubuntu. The person that posted that bug is suuuper nice and so far been really helpful with my questions for familiarizing myself with a new system. issue is now I realized I forgot to make a branch before starting my work so I'm wondering how I'll resolve this issue if it is one. I tried pushing the new branch to the repo and discovered that I don't have permission to directly commit to it so I forked it and pushed to that and now ...