
Showing posts from September, 2017

Trying out a new editor

Currently trying out a new (new to me) Code Editor named Atom ( so far I'm really liking that it's got  built in version control via Git and GitHub it's got a really intuitive GUI right off the bat, Intro screen on the right and center and on the left is an open project It's also really nice that you can add IDE functionality to it, making it capable of pretty much anything, the theme is also customizable if you don't like such a dark theme the flow of atom is really nice too being able to adjust the window size as needed  installing or modifying the theme is super easy too.  the tab functionality is superb as well IDE installation took a little while (~2 min) but it was really easy too with the search function

Building Firefox on Linux first time build

My first attempt at building Firefox: currently building it on a Linux distro known as Ubuntu, many linux users will recognize it as it can be considered mainstream. first issue I encountered is that my update URLs in my Ubuntu system was out of date and was getting 404 errors for some of them so I disabled them from the "other software" tab in the Ubuntu software settings screen. the update now works and it's currently installing Modern Mercurial via pip running it as normal and configuring it with preferred settings. watchman filesystem couldn't be found... firefoxtree enabled installing hg wip alias selecting MozReview only (requests bugzilla email address, can't do at the moment) cloning firefox now build had issues do to me running things as root, don't do that  [Error No 13] Permission denied issues resolved and it took around 81min to build, not bad for an old laptop. runs successfully =D made some modifications and rebuil...

Awesome-Python Repository for open source packages

Awesome Python I recently came across the GitHub Repo for Awesome-Python. It's part of the "Awesome-" series where people compile together repositories of useful and interesting. As you may have guessed this one is for Python commands, this repo is a gold mine for any open source developer out there, actually any developer that's using python for various things. There's a lot of them here and there's no way I could cover all of these. I did come across some that are quite interesting. 1: " thef**k " Don't let the name throw you off, this one caught my eye for obvious reasons. This one is for those of you that use the Linux terminal frequently and constantly make minor typos in commands, or forget to run something as root or miss a space somewhere. All you need to do is after the mistake type "Fuck" and it will correct it, like if you typed aptget install something, the command would figure out you meant apt get install s...